Stop smoking service
If you have decided to quit smoking and looking for someone to help you on this
journey then you have come to the right place. Research has shown that you are
more likely to be successful at quitting smoking with counselling and Nicotine
Replacement Therapies (NRTs) than trying to quit without.
Combination therapy for smoking cessation
The benefits of quitting smoking are huge and it’s never too late to quit. It is a
process that starts with you wanting to quit. There is a wide range of NRT products
available to help you with quitting smoking. You can use a combination of products to
help you overcome nicotine cravings.
Regular reviews with smoking cessation expert
One of our team will help create a plan for you and have regular reviews with you to
monitor your progress and provide information and encouragement during this
journey. We are passionate about helping our patients with quitting smoking as it has
huge health benefits.